Cyclists in pink!

Our club is gearing up for another successful Rotary K2C  Cycle Tour on 3rd August 2024. Please read this article published in the Kruger2Canyon News to learn more about this prestige cycle tour.  For information, or to register, contact Tony Patten:

Old glasses can help others see!

Our club is very proud to have linked up with Tshemba Foundation. Please continue reading about our relationship in this article, posted in the Hoedspruit Herald Friday 19th April 2024.

Rotary Supports Local Organisations

Pictured above: President Hazel Partington, Terry Boulanger of Hoedspruit Town Watch, and Secretary Monika Golightly. The Rotary K2C  Cycle Tour this year traversed new terrain and it is always with some trepidation when things that have worked well are changed. However,  this proved to be one of our best tours ever and Rotary were able […]

Global Grant to Install Waterless Toilets

Hoedspruit Rotary Club has been rewarded a Rotary Foundation Global Grant to replace the existing pit latrines at Faith Burlington Crèche in Acornhoek with waterless toilets. Congratulations to Rotarian Michael Henderson and Rotary Clubs, Boco Ratan in Florida, USA and Torquay, UK for securing the generous grant of € 34 965. Michael says “the beneficiaries will […]

The K2C Cycle Tour 2023 New Look

Have you heard the news? Rotary Hoedspruit has introduced an exciting K2C Cycle Tour route for 2023 in three reserves open to, and adjoining, the Kruger National Park. This will be the only day of the year when 100 very privileged cyclists will be able to traverse the general wilderness of three of the most […]

Developing Young Leaders from Hoedspruit

“The RYLA Leadership Camp was an incredible experience.” The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts around the globe. Young people identified as having leadership potential are sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event which allows them to test their skills through team building, […]


So, Get Cycling The spectacular Rotary Hoedspruit Kruger 2 Canyon Cycle Tour through four Big Five safari reserves, resumes on 16 July 2022, cycling through part of the Kruger to Canyon Biosphere around the Hoedspruit area. The 100 km dawn to dusk tour caters for a limited field of 5 pelotons of 20 making it […]


Not to be discouraged by all their projects being curtailed at the beginning of the year due to Covid, the Hoedspruit Rotary Club diligently brainstormed other options and decided that one of the fundraisers for 2021 should be a Plant Sale. After the initial scepticism, as most members were not so sure that they were […]

Good Times with the Hoedspruit Golden Oldies!

Our Club has recently become more involved with the Gracious Living Retirement Haven in Hoedspruit.  In the above photograph, Rotarians Christine and Sabine are seen topping up guests’ wine glasses, at a delicious meal held at the Gracious Living Retirement Haven last month.  Rotarian Steve kindly hosted residents for a delicious lunch at his picturesque […]

Making a Difference!

Our Club was fortunate enough to receive boxes of nutritious dried meals from Blessman Ministries. These meals, supplied to Blessman Ministries by Meals from the Heartland, are specifically designed for growing children. Within each box are 36 packages of meals containing rice and essential nutrients. Each package contains six meals. Rotarian Trygive distributed boxes of […]